Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is a Child who we are told is to much trouble and this is the only way to control

This little angel i taught to sing the ABC, she has never spoken to anyone but her carer

 The rainbow room is a space outside in which is fenced and the children are able to come a play here when we are there we bring the toys and games and once we go they are left with none of the toys to tables..

If we don't Volunteer these children don't have play time

 All of these beautiful angels have some form of disability and have no treatment

                                 Most of the babies are born from abused Children in the care

 The Red Cross Teach the Children English and other skills so when they are asked to leave at age 25 they can work in the world..  If there are no Volunteers these children don't get taught...

The Red Cross home for children with no home

                              Therese Phillips an amazing volunteer teaching English

we are unaware of this beautiful mans age due to no parents or medical history..
however is is so full of life

 Lin beautiful baby boy 8 years old and his leg muscels
didn't form when he was a baby due to no nurrisment.
Your donations helped buy the milk!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

day 2

Firstly sorry about the spelling... don't know how to turn off Vietnam spelling check...
so i can not believe i have only been here for two days this is huge... Although this is all very overwhelming i need to forget about how this is affecting me... I have spoken to a few people today about why the care the children are in is so bad.... And i think i need to get my head around the fact that this country is still in poverty and the money goes to the very very basic needs of accommodation and food... however food that gives nourishment is hard to get in this country.. so i do feel that my money and all the fundraising has gone to a good place however it is just not enough..
Mark and I have just been to the big shopping center here and brought things like nappies, formula, baby cereal ,
tooth brushes, wipes, soap, clothes, blankets... although most of these children are over 15 their bodies are so small and malnourished that they look as if they are 3 or 4 years of age..
I realise that i can not change the world however much i wish to.. I'm in a very different culture and i need to respect that all i can do is help for the time i am here and do what i can.. today i made the children smile and laugh meaning they forgot about  what is happening around for for a instant and that is all i can do..
i would love to thank you all for all the support and love i have gotten and know that this gets me through every day that bit better... xxxxxx

Da Nang

so today i went to social which í a home that the government run for children, homeless people and war widows...
the children are all very disabled and mentally unwell...and most of the homeless although not confirmed are abusing the children... the government however í not like they are í Australia the money (I'm sorry to say) that i raise i fear do not go to the children in need... the house was a very eye opening experience most of the children are treated as animals... and i am unaware ì i should be saying this however after what Ive seen today i feel my voice should be heard....the children are not being cared ỏ looked after the way they should and is they are in a home that is meant to be treating them better than the streets i fell the streets are better... yes they do have a carer for the younger children and a they get physio once or twice a week however some are left in a cage or with out food and treated like a disability is not a life worth living... maybe it is my naive self knowing the children through out Aussie with the same disability have at least a chance at life...
people when reading this.. people show you're support private email me on and i am hểre to buy things like nappies, food and clothes all things the government do not supply to the children...
i know that this is a big ask... and i know that i cant really change anything that í happening here however i can make these children smile and laugh for the smallest amount of their day...
i am overwhelmed by what i have seen... however  thís ís a different culture that i need to expect that this maybe something that can not be changed just be here as support...
i also wanted to take this like time and say i am so so so Lucky with the life i lead back home and i have the móst beautiful family and i could not be mỏre grateful for my support and love... thank you

Sunday, March 27, 2011

reached da nang

all very overwelming at the moment very aware that the poverty would be like this but all a little bit to much... Few days here working then more work in tamky so un sure againg what to expect but that is what I'm here for ... More al later date xxx

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'M HERE!!!!

well not quite in Vietnam just yet... have had the last 10 days in Thailand.. And I say I am ready for Vietnam... Thailand has been a great holiday and has also opened my eyes to the culture difference and the poverty over here... The first few days I have found a bit overwhelming and just was in shock abit.. However the smallest bit helps.. I met so many amazing people that have had a great struggle but still know how to laugh and experience life. Most of the parents here are unable to have their children with them because they  work such long days and every day almost of the year to be able to afford just to live.. This story I heard over and over again it may just be gullible me however I know that 100baht to me is just 4 dollars to them is a week of food so most of the people who told me their story receive what I could give... Some days was food and some days money .. not going lie some days I just payed 200baht for the 100baht massage!!!! lol I'm glad I'm here and I have seen what I have before I head to Vietnam.. Mark and I have had a great time so far and leave for Vietnam at 4.30am tomorrow will be in Da Nang for 4 days and then travel to Tam Ky to work am very excited and cant wait.. hopefully will have some Net in Da Nang and will update you all then... thoughts and wishes... xx

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I just wanted to say thank-you to everyone for all thier support on sunday at the markets..
we raised over $400 it was a great day and well worth the 16 day of work... we've feed over 400 mouths but that one day...leave on thursday cant wait... xx

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Almost ready to go!!

It has been a full on last few weeks getting every little thing done before i go...
however I'm ready all my visa's are done and i cant wait to get over and start work!!
i am holding a market stall this Sunday morning at Marchoodore fisherman's road markets
selling loads of this and all the money is going towards beautiful family that are in need..
please come it would be great to see you support..